The White Leghorn is a vigorous layer and excels at feed conversion. They can lay three hundred or more large white eggs per year, are unlikely to go broody, and begin laying at a relatively young age. This strain of White Leghorns is generally calm and easier to handle.
- Sexed female chicks: 90+% accuracy guaranteed
- Egg color: White
- Chick color: Yellow
- Rate of eggs per year: 300+ (High)
- Our hatchery’s strain: Hy-Line W-80
- Sex guarantee: 90%
- Vaccination status: Our chicks are not vaccinated.
- Feed: In-store chicks will be fed only organic, soy-free, non-medicated feeds.
Chick Sales Terms & Conditions
- Must purchase at least three, mix and match. Special orders require minimum purchase of twenty-five.
- Arrival date is only approximate; we will keep you informed of changes.
- All chicks must be picked up at our retail location: 631 N. River Street, Hot Springs, SD 57747.
- If chicks are not picked up by 6 PM on the day they arrive, you will be charged $10 to cover the care for your birds.
- If chicks are not picked up by 6 PM the next day, your order will be cancelled and no refund will be given.
- No returns.
- Refunds for sexing mistakes outside accuracy percentage will be in the form of store credit.
Photo credits: Kristine Kozaka, RawPixel