Nineteen years ago when our first child was born and I became a full-time homemaker, I encountered a problem that, at the time, was plaguing other moms in the same phase of life:
I started wearing holes in my shirts right at my belly button!
What caused this issue? It was not just plaguing me: speculation was rampant on homemaking message boards. Could it be a reaction from the metal in the button on our jeans? Poor quality clothing? Some sort of weird moth that only ate holes in the belly button area?

Eventually I came to the conclusion that I was wearing holes in my shirts because I was frequently leaning against the edge of the countertop. The sudden appearance of this problem was due to the fact that I was spending a lot more time in the kitchen than I had previously, and was simply putting more wear on my shirts.
I also suspect that two physical factors were at play: one, I’m short and stand really close to the countertop so I can reach things. Two, after having a baby or five, my stomach isn’t exactly flat so perhaps there’s some extra rubbing.
Regardless of the cause, I determined that wearing an apron could drastically extend the life of my shirts, so I set out to find an apron that I would actually want to wear.
I had traditional butcher-style aprons for awhile, but I don’t love the way they hang on my neck and also I don’t like tying them. I wanted one that was easy to take off and on, and so I bit the bullet and spent what felt like a ridiculous amount of money on a smock-style apron in linen fabric.

I knew I needed an apron that I would actually wear and these aprons have been worth every penny. The number of shirts they’ve saved from both holes and stains means they have absolutely paid for themselves.
I love that they are incredibly easy to slip on and off, which I do multiple times a day (somehow my kids don’t like me to wear an apron to the grocery store). I put mine on this morning with one hand full of kitchen stuff! I have one in a few colors because I consider it part of my outfit and I like it to coordinate. 😉

I am excited to have these type of aprons available at Harvey’s! I know they’re not for everyone – I have daughters who love this style and other daughters who prefer a cute traditional apron – but if you are looking for an apron with these qualities, come on in and try one on!
Thanks to my daughter K for these photos, taken earlier this year before we moved (which is why the kitchen looks so much different than the ones you may have seen recently of my not-yet-renovated kitchen).